Of or relating to the eye; resembling an eye in form or function.
The computerized process of identifying patterns of pixels in an electronic file as letters or other parts of language such as punctuation. Most advanced software performing this task can also maintain the format of the original page, if desired, through insertion of various codes in the “Save” or “Save As” process. OCR with any software […]
Non-Contracted Braille
This term is replacing the old term of Grade 1 or Grade I Braille. Braille consists of both a simple alphabet and punctuation plus several hundred contractions and abbreviations. When a document strictly uses the alphabet and punctuation, it is said to be in non-contracted form.
No Child Left Behind
No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Federal law requires that all states establish a definition of Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) that each district and school is expected to meet in order to have all students perform at the proficient level in reading and math in 12 years.
Nemeth Code
In 1965, Abraham Nemeth, a professor of mathematics at the University of Detroit, published a method of writing mathematical equations in braille. The Nemeth Code provides a conceptual framework for the blind to use in transcribing into braille and solving higher mathematical equations and scientific notations. It uses linear format, spatial arrangements and special symbols […]
Unable to see distant objects clearly; seeing distinctly at short distances only.
NBA – National Braille Association
The mission of the National Braille Association, Inc. is to provide continuing education to those who prepare braille, and to provide braille materials to persons who are visually impaired. Members receive a newsletter, participate in regional and national meetings and workshops, and receive opportunities to volunteer as braille transcribers. The NBA also maintains a depository […]
A refractive abnormality of the eye requiring a minus (negative or concave) lens for correction. Synonyms: near sighted or short sighted. People who are near sighted can see objects up close or at near distances without glasses.
This complex lossy compression technology for audio format was developed by Dr. Karlheinz Brandenburg in the late 1980s as a part of his doctoral thesis. MP3 stands for MPEG-1 Layer III audio format. It is used for compressing sound into a file that is a fraction of the size of the original. It allows one […]
MegaDots is a word processor software program that runs in DOS but can run under Windows. This can be used for both print and braille documents. One can translate a document to braille, edit it and print in either form. There are also such features as find-and-replace, a spell-checker, settings for contracted braille and non-contracted […]