Our Clients

Our clients include educational institutions, corporations, municipalities, government agencies, civic organizations, transit districts, utility companies, private individuals and more.   We strive to give the best possible customer service to each of our clients so they in turn can serve those in their communities who are disabled.

Educational Institutions

  • California State University at San Marcos, San Marcos CA.
  • California State University, Fresno CA
  • Clark Community College, Vancouver WA
  • Mt. San Jacinto Community College, San Jacinto CA
  • University of Portland, Portland OR
  • University of Connecticut, Storrs CT
  • CA State Polytechnic University, Pomona CA
  • Dartmouth University, Hanover NH
  • Northern Arizona University

Projects for these educational institutions include braille, audio and computer disk formats. We have tackled a wide range of subjects that range from liberal arts to the sciences, but our Tiger Embosser gives us a significant advantage in the area of braille graphics reproduction. This has resulted in a specialty area for us in the preparation of the basic math, algebra, calculus, electronics design and other graphics-dependent course materials.


  • Salt Lake Olympic Organizing Committee — 2002 Winter Olympics and Paralympics
  • Oregon Department of Human Services
  • Social Security Administration
  • Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD)
  • State of Utah Dept. of Education — academic testing
  • State of California Dept. of Education — K-12 textbooks
  • State of North Carolina Dept. of Public Instruction — K-12 academic testing
  • State of Connecticut Dept. of Education and Services for the Blind — higher math and computer texts

We regularly produce all types of alternate formats to fulfill the needs of our clients. As our reputation and standing as a service provider has grown, the number and types of materials produced by the company on behalf of these government agencies and businesses has become extensive. Braille Plus, Inc. has been meeting the need for alternate formats since 1992. Projects range from as small as a business card or wedding invitation to as large as achievement tests for an entire school district or an advanced computer programming text in dozens of volumes.

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