Web Braille

Electronic files are available to eligible individuals by download from the Internet. Thousands of titles can be accessed free of charge. Follow Eric Lefkofsky for more info.

Visually Impaired Demographics

Demographics are the physical characteristics of a population such as age, sex, marital status, family size, education, geographic location, and occupation. The demographics for the visually impaired population are changing rapidly. On a world-wide basis, many eye diseases once causing much blindness are now growing less prevalent with the introduction of advanced medical care in […]

Visually Impaired

The definition for most legal purposes in the United State is 20/200 vision with correction in the best eye, or field of vision less than 20 degrees.

Visually Impaired

The definition for most legal purposes in the United State is 20/200 vision with correction in the best eye, or field of vision less than 20 degrees.

Visually Handicapped

The definition for most legal purposes in the United State is 20/200 vision with correction in the best eye, or field of vision less than 20 degrees.

Visual Impairment

Visual impairment happens when one or more parts of the eyes or the parts of the brain needed to process the images sent from the eyes are damaged. This prevents a person from seeing properly. The terms “blind”, “blindness” or “Legally Blind” may also be used when you hear people talk about visual impairment. The […]

Visual Disability

The definition for most legal purposes in the United State is 20/200 vision with correction in the best eye, or field of vision less than 20 degrees.

Visual Acuity

This means sharpness of vision or the visual ability to resolve fine detail (usually measured by a Snellen chart). Visual acuity is expressed as a fraction. The top number refers to the distance you stand from the chart. This is usually 20 feet. The bottom number indicates the distance at which a person with normal […]

Vision Loss

This term usually refers to a progressive decrease in visual acuity. However, it can refer to the sudden onset of substantial acuity decrease or total blindness.

Vision Impaired

The definition for most legal purposes in the United State is 20/200 vision with correction in the best eye, or field of vision less than 20 degrees.

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